Leawood began as a home church in this neighborhood in 1946. Soon, the Lord provided a way for that group of believers to purchase a building on the corner of Macon and Homer where it has grown and expanded over the years. Tom Brandon was Leawood’s first called Pastor. Since then, Leawood has always been under the leadership of called staff members – meaning that God had called them to Leawood, and so did the congregations of Leawood!

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Audio Videos Booklet Commemorative Page
Wint Fox Shawn Allred Marc Johnston Phil Glisson Lord’s Witness Youth Choir
With the desire and vision to be a 21st century church which would reach diverse groups of people, Leawood gave birth to an additional ministry in the fast growing eastern part of Shelby County which has grown into Leawood East Baptist Church. On October 15, 2000, ground breaking services were held. Giving blessings to the second ministry, Leawood still felt led by God to continue the work He has for us in the inner city location of our local neighborhood.