S U N D A Y9:00am – Bible & Breakfast (Fellowship Hall) 9:15am – Sunday School 10:30am – Sunday Morning Worship Service (Sanctuary) 2:00pm – Leawood Life (Love Building – 2nd Floor) 5:00pm – Sunday Evening Worship Service (Fellowship Hall)
W E D N E S D A Y11:30am – Choir Practice 12:30pm – Lunch and Learn (Fellowship Hall) 6:00pm – Midweek Bible Study (Fellowship Hall)
T H U R S D A YSAM – Senior Adult Ministry (Fellowship Hall) On the 4th Thursday of every month, our seniors meet at 10:00am in the Fellowship Hall for a free meal, fellowship, music, games, and a gospel message (except for November and December when the SAM meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of the month because of the holidays). On all of the other Thursdays, only games and fellowship are planned.
What Every Christian Should Know About Voting
The pastor of Leawood Baptist Church, Dr. Floyd A. Paris, highlights the influence that the teachings of the Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ had on the founding of the United States of America, and the importance of voting according to these principles.
Sundays – 2:00PM – Love Building – 2nd Floor
We are pleased to introduce our newest ministry, Leawood Life. This goal of this ministry is to provide a comfortable environment to worship and fellowship for everyone, especially those who may have had an unpleasant experience with churches or church members. Everyone is welcome to attend, regardless of your current situation or past experiences. We look forward to meeting you!
GREETINGS ! Thanks for stopping by today! We’re glad you did!
The most important decision that any of us can ever make is to accept God’s gracious offer of forgiveness and eternal life in Heaven by placing our faith and trust in His Son, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to pay the full and complete penalty for all of our sins. For more information: God’s Plan of Salvation
Click to View or Download a useful list of resources for Christians.
What We Believe Leawood Baptist Church was founded in 1946 on the principle that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God. A summary of the beliefs of Southern Baptist churches is found in the Baptist Faith & Message.